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askinnyblackman: nosdrinker: very secret dog meeting "we must...

broblerones: "animated tv shows for adults can’t really be funny unless they’re offensive, it’s...



"animated tv shows for adults can’t really be funny unless they’re offensive, it’s called satire!"

"So many students have said, trans students have said; now I can have a point of reference when I..."

““So many students have said, trans students have said; now I can have a point of reference when I talk about who I am. My friends are like, ‘Oh, like Sophia from ‘Orange is the New Black?’’ and they’re like, ‘yeah,’ and then they just move on and it’s not an issue,” she said. “I got a letter from a young, from a trans youth’s mother who said that he transitioned because of me and because of seeing me on the show it gave him the courage to talk to his parents about who he was and they’re supportive and loving and now he’s started his transition. It’s insane. It’s really beautiful.””


Laverne Cox on the impact of her character Sophia Burset (via comebreakmedown-buryme)


(via thaxted)


(via cameronisagirlsnametoo)

Sometimes I get so emotional over Johnlock that I have to go look at the news and remember...


Sometimes I get so emotional over Johnlock that I have to go look at the news and remember  …Oh okay so this isn’t the most important thing in the world. Right. Right. Real humans. Okay.

A woman as confident and comfortable as Vanessa would not, I don’t think, imagine herself as the...


A woman as confident and comfortable as Vanessa would not, I don’t think, imagine herself as the victim of her weight and blame guys like Louie as entirely as her speech suggests. As a guilt trip, her speech is perfect; as a character exploration, it’s a little bit too much of a guilt trip. Vanessa’s teachable moment, and the episode more largely, is as scathing to Louie as possible. But it’s also condescending to Vanessa: I mean, if all Vanessa wanted in life was to hold hands with a nice guy, a girl as cool as she is could do just that. Wonder if we’ll ever see a fat girl on TV who demands more. [x]

I agree. When I watched the episode fully, I found a lot of issues with the character and her actions. She’s funny. She’s smart. She is confident. She’s ,as casting call read, “comfortable in her own skin.”  So why would she chase after a man who obviously isn’t interested? The answer is she wouldn’t. A person like Vanessa absolutely would not.

But the character of Vanessa (like many characters on television) is not a real person rather a composite of a variety of people and ideas. She represents a lot of fat girls.  But she does not represent them all. She certainly doesn’t represent me.  But she does represent many who do feel this way. And she did speak for them.

I think the issue comes also in connection with finding out that the actress had no input on the speech and it was written entirely by Louis CK. It brings to mind the whole black like me thing.Can Louie ever truly know what it’s like to be a fat girl? No. Enough to write one well enough? Kind of. Representation is important and I can’t help but think we are shooting ourselves in the foot when we imply that this wasn’t a step in the right direction. It was. It truly was.

The hypocrisy realized by Louie in this episode is important. And would she take his hand at the end? Ugh. I don’t think so. And I hated that she did. But this also a comedy show and I think it worked well that she did. She said her piece and got what she needed right now.

It’s up to us to decide what happened next. I like to think Louie called Vanessa and she didn’t return his call.


TL;DR Vanessa does not represent me. She does not represent all fat girls.  She does represent a certain section who do have a similar mindset and it’s good to have someone fat who is speaking her mind and isn’t used entirely a comic foil. This was a positive step on an often ignored issue.

queersherlockian replied to your post:Sometimes I get so emotional over Johnlock that...

thegingerbatch: "Keep them closed." "John, this is silly." "I mean it! I’ll not have you spoiling...



"Keep them closed."

"John, this is silly."

"I mean it! I’ll not have you spoiling the surprise."

Sherlock snorts, rolling his eyes beneath closed lids. “Tedious.”

John doesn’t reply. Sherlock hears the door open, then click shut again. Silence engulfs the flat.

He shifts uncomfortably in his chair. He wasn’t lying when he told John he hated surprises. Too many unknowns, and he’s never good at reacting the way he ought. Of course, he tells himself he doesn’t care, but a surprise from John—yes, his reaction to that might matter. 

What if he hates it? What if…God, what if he doesn’t? 

Thanks. No, too simple. Extraordinary, John. Too flowery; he’ll think he’s being mocked. You really shouldn’t have. Well of course he shouldn’t have, that’s the whole point, only he has done anyway, and now…

The door opens again, and Sherlock gives a frustrated grunt. 

"Still closed, yeah?"

"Oh, for God’s sake—"

His complaint is cut off as John dumps something into his lap. Something warm and wiggly. A wet tongue laps at his lips, and Sherlock unconsciously juts out his chin to accept the kisses.

"You can open them, now." A smile in John’s voice, and Christ, yes, he actually has forgotten to open his eyes. 

He knows, though. He knows before he sees. The fur between his fingers is burnished silk. The cold nose against his cheek, the paws digging awkwardly into his thighs and stomach.

He opens his eyes slowly, blinking down at the puppy. Red fur. The same golden brown eyes. The dog’s tongue lolls from its mouth in a happy grin, cocking its head to one side to stare up at him.

Beside him, John is shifting his weight, excited. Nervous.

"Is it—it’s the right kind, yeah?" he asks.

One of Sherlock’s hands is on the puppy’s head, rubbing a soft ear between his fingers. “Irish setter,” he says. His voice sounds far away.

"Yeah, same as…" John trails off, and Sherlock can feel him studying his face, his smile slipping into concern. "You okay?"

Sherlock looks up at him. John’s face is strangely blurry. 

"Christ, Sherlock. Sorry, I didn’t—"

Ah, tears. That’s…unexpected. He blinks several times to dispel them. “No,” he says roughly. The puppy squirms in his arms, and Sherlock realises he has clasped it to his chest. “No,” he repeats, sturdier now, and forces his hands to unclench from the dog’s fur. “He’s beautiful.”

John beams. “She, actually.”

"She?" Sherlock looks down again at the bright eyes, so familiar. A dog. John has gotten him a dog.

"Hope that’s alright," John says.

Sherlock hooks his hands under the dogs front legs and pulls her up to look her full in the face. “It’s…perfect.”

John smiles again and reaches down to ruffle to the dog’s fur. She twists in Sherlock’s grip, trying to nip at John’s fingers.

"What will you call her? Not a lot of lady pirates, I suppose."

"Bonny," Sherlock says without thinking. He has a history poised on his tongue, but John is laughing, and Bonny’s sharp puppy teeth are worrying at the skin of his hands, and it isn’t important anyway.

"Bonny," John affirms. One hand is on the back of Sherlock’s chair, dangerously close to resting on his shoulder. "Welcome to the family, then." 

Hello, I hope my message finds you well. I was wondering if you could help out with something fanfiction related. I'm writing an essay on the monetization of fanfiction and I'd really like to talk to someone who has signed with Kindle Worlds or with FanLib, but I haven't had any luck. So I come to you as a last resort, since you're really into fanfiction debates and all, to ask if you happen to know someone who gets paid for writing fics. Many thanks in advance.


Nope, not me—but I’d love to know this too! Anybody know anybody?




I’m just saying…… The absolute worst.

Why don’t you go write more ficlets. Maybe add a fuckin baby this time why doncha? 





1. First impression: I think I have found the biggest Johnlock fan on the internet
2. Truth is: you’re a lot of fun to talk to and fangirl flail with
3. How old do you look: mid to late 20s
4. Have you ever made me laugh: I told you I was laughing at something else and you were just kinda nearby (you’ve totally made me laugh)
5. Have you ever made me mad: nope, we’ve disagreed on a few things, but it’s always civilized
6. Best feature: when you find something to love, you take it to 11, paint a 12 on the knob and push it past that
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: one of those “she’s way awesome” girl crush things
8. You’re my: way of knowing when Benedict Cumberbatch or Martin Freeman have done anything that day
9. Name in my phone: sadly, you aren’t in my phone
10. Should you post this too? der

chuuface: professorfangirl: mydwynter: roane72: mazarin221b: mildredandbobbin: chosenofashurha:...













y’all know that I try to be chill about stuff, and not be negative on my blog

and I want to respect others’ artistic decisions

I’m a fanfic writer myself, I know how much hard work goes into it, and all for no monetary compensation

readers cannot expect every fic to cater to their personal preferences


if you’re writing about a dude licking another dude’s butthole and then peeing on him while the other guy moans “yeah do it daddy” in the omegaverse HAVE SOME GODDAMN CLASS and spell “come” like the Oxford English Dictionary tells you to

See, I’m not the only one in the universe saying this. “Come,” friends. “Come.” I beg of you.

I feel so strongly about this.

yo but are we talking about the verb or the noun

because I can feel that way about the verb but the noun…as in, the stuff? Semen and whatever bodily fluids have you? I have zero problem with using “cum” or “precum” - in fact, I like it sometimes because it’s dirty and gross

because  it’s wrong and improper 

I like it because it makes you feel filthy, because the situation is filthy. Sometimes porn doesn’t have to be beautiful or artistic or grammatically correct to be fucking hot (or hot fucking) and sometimes because it’s filthy (and a little gross) doesn’t mean it isn’t beautiful  

idk i feel so strongly about filth in my porn

I totally agree. While I prefer ‘come’ for the verb… ‘cum’ as a noun paints a VERY distinct picture, of messy, filthy, hedonistic release, and I love that.

Exactly, to me ‘cum’  (the noun) feels more visceral than ‘come’, which is exactly why I used it in my omegaverse fic, because if you’re going to roll around in your id then fucking do it. Also, as per this post, ‘cum’ as the noun is the genre standard in published romance novels. Seriously, I admire all of the above posters, (which is probably why this post bothered me so much), but when I read stuff like this I’m torn between packing up and going home or using the ‘forbidden’ term MORE often. *throws hands in the air* MB keeping it unclassy in 2014.

It may be the genre standard for published romance novels but oh, do I loathe it. I do. And I’ll say so, as a rather avid reader of Omegaverse fic myself. I’m sort of with Bran that the word invokes images of flashy, badly-coded websites with questionable download ethics and even sketchier video provenance. And if the over the top porn aesthetic is what you’re going for, keen. Have at it. But in my personal opinion, it gives me the squick and pushes what I’m reading from filthy to a bit nastier, but that’s a me thing and not an author thing, I’m very fully aware.

That said, having preferences as you read is just as a legit thing as having preferences as you write. I’m not saying using “cum” is always technically wrong (because there’s very little in the world of writing that could ever be considered 100% wrong), but I will try to push people in a ridiculous, playful way toward not using it. I mean, Cat beta says no? It’s not like I got out the big ruler and slapped someone on the hand for heaven’s sake. I save that sort of shit for Mydwynter, he can take it. *wiggles eyebrows*

It’s worth noting that while ‘cum’ may in fact be standard at that particular editor’s publisher (referring to the link above), that does not in any way mean it’s standard to the whole genre. I know I’ve never seen it in my reading. And man, if I had an editor who wanted me to make that change, I’d be kicking up a storm, because ‘cum’, to me, is a word with all the wrong connotations and I don’t care if it’s technically wrong, I despise it and it’s a total boner killer.

I think “connotations” is exactly the right word. While the word cum might denote similar things (noun, verb…and let me tell you there have been some pretty…interesting…examples of prescriptive grammar in this thread to describe when it’s okay to use it and when it’s not), for a non-zero amount of readers chiming in here it connotes things the writer might not intend. So while I (and you, and you, and you) have no right to tell others not to use it, I suggest taking that fact into consideration. There are people who will nope the hell out of stories which use “cum,” because of its connotations—whereas the reverse is not true. So if you want to use it, perhaps do it advisedly, and understand that you’re using a loaded spelling that others might not be able to stomach.

(For the record, none of the publishers I’ve either worked with or read the guidelines for use “cum” either.)

sorry but I’m perfectly fine with “cum” as long as it is immediately followed by “laude” (insert lame high-volume-orgasm joke here)

I personally tend to associate the word with really raunchy gay comics like Patrick Fillion’s and hentai/yaoi scanlations, like seriously over the top stuff, totally lewd artworks, characters with no emotional connections and whose only motivations are to look hot and fuck each other. That kind of stuff is just not for me; I need to know that there is some emotional connection between the characters, and that tends to be a more sophisticated level of storytelling and phrasing where I wouldn’t expect to see a coarse word like “cum”. I’m not judging, the former type of porn is good for a lot of people, just not me. The word and a lot of other language and certain fetishes just dredges up that kind of imagery and so it just really takes me out of the story tbh.

That said, there are plenty of gross things from those genres I have no problem with. Like bukkake. Or huge dicks in weird shapes. So I didn’t mean to imply by agreeing with the OP that I’m judging anyone for their fetishes/preferences. But yeah, I have to acknowledge others will be hella squicked out by those things and so I put a dozen warnings on it and don’t pretend that it’s not weird as hell ahah

I’m a bit fan of cum…. wait.

thegingerbatch replied to your post “I AM EMOTIONAL TOO OKAY AND IN MY DEFENSE I DIDN’T SEE...

Cartoon by Gahan Wilson, Playboy (Vol. 6, No. 12), 1959.


Cartoon by Gahan Wilson, Playboy (Vol. 6, No. 12), 1959.

technicolordreamgoat: I think Cups!Mashups may just be my new...



I think Cups!Mashups may just be my new favorite thing ever. Bastille’s “Pompeii” was a perfect song to mix this with, and these ladies blew it out of the water. I think I’m in love

geekgirl1: tallulah99: I stared at this just a tiny bit longer...




I stared at this just a tiny bit longer than I needed to, just to make sure it wasn’t a gif.

challenge accepted

It looks like a gif. It looks like he’s going to start moving at any moment.

breezybree: Star Trek: The Next Generation - Gag Reel...

jonasbrothers: crossbowsandwalkers: Is this Lucy Liu throwing...

rejectedjokes: Entertainment Weekly has released the first...



Entertainment Weekly has released the first official cast photo from a movie I am so proud to be a part of- “This is Where I Leave You”. Everyone in this photo is extraordinarily talented and I’m honored to be standing anywhere near them. The movie is based off of the great Jonathan Tropper’s best selling novel (he wrote the screenplay as well) and is directed by the amazing Shawn Levy. The cast includes (inhales)- Jason Bateman, Tina Fey, Adam Driver, Corey Stoll, Jane Fonda, Rose Byrne, Timothy Olyphant, Connie Britton, Kathryn Hahn, Debra Monk, Aaron Lazar, Dax Shepard, Abigail Spencer and somehow me. The film comes out September 12th and I am so excited for everyone to check it out.



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