I want to have rough sex with Cillian Murphy, who’s wearing deep red lipstick for me…
I want to have rough sex with Cillian Murphy, who’s wearing deep red lipstick for me…
|Cr. GQ Magazine France|
It doesn’t matter what the topic is. I’m thinking of Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics as a good example. I’m just looking for ideas about how to create a narrative that will appeal to a broad audience but be meaningful to experts as well…
I’m afraid the one that springs first to mind is An Introduction to Manuscript Studies by Raymond Clemens & Timothy Graham - but that’s probably not quite what you had in mind!
"Save the Cat"
Yeah , that’s what I said. So many screenwriting books all fall in that range.
netflix, we have been together for 7 years. This is a betrayal. I thought you knew me.
I got the email too. This is some bullshit. Put it on the site but don’t bring it to my front door. Netflix doesn’t even release its numbers, what do they have to gain from this? I need this flick and it’s hoopla to leave me alone
I think they sent the email to everyone…but the really weird part about this is that I was going to post this too….AAAANNNNND
DUN DUN DUN my name is april tooooooooooooooooo
I’ve seen people talk about how the delayed action stabbings are a metaphor for Sherlock realizing he’s in love when its too late, but can we talk about what happens in those cases? Both times, the person is stabbed and nearly dies from it, but before they can John Watson swoops in to save them from bleeding out.
He’ll do the same for Sherlock too.
superfluous man should be a superhero
he shows up to all the melees but is never actually needed
which means his mere presence guarantees everyone else will be sufficient to the challenge
it’s very meta and no one understands
It was Hermione.
"But she didn’t look like Hermione at all. She had done something with her hair; it was no longer bushy but sleek and shiny, and twisted up into an elegant knot at the back of her head. She was wearing robes made of a floaty, periwinkle-blue material…” - Ch23 | THE YULE BALL
Wasn’t her dress pink?
Best gif award to you
Click here to watch Larry Wilmore react to this year’s Academy Award nomination snubs on the series premiere of The Nightly Show.
on showing pictures of a black professor and a white serial killer Timothy McVeigh to the kids
"They’re too young to understand!"
This is the fault of their parents and any other sick fucks around them. The sad thing is that the “nice man” would kill them in a heartbeat.
This is about more than parenting and “sick fucks.” This is about an environment that constantly reinforces anti-blackness. Every time you turn on the news, a black person is committing a crime. Black guys are the bad guys in movies and on tv. It’s nearly impossible to find positive representation of black people in children’s books and shows unless you’re actively looking for them, which white parents obviously don’t. Our entire society has been conditioning these children to believe that black is bad and white is good. You can even see the black kid internalizing this message, in real time. Racism is an insidious disease that plagues us all.
Nailed it.