Alright my dear sassy anon, I apologize for the late response but I wanted to do this right and school had been getting in the way. So buckle up. I’m going to take you for a ride. *cracks knuckles*
Moving on to my overall argument. Let’s look again at Cain’s speech and dissect that, shall we?
This is a perfect parallel to me. In this scenario Crowley is Abbadon. So do you remember when Abbadon was possessing Colette in 9x11?
And then she has a very interesting conversation with Cain, that hints very stronglyat a previous romantic relationship between them.
And Abbadon then goes on to literally tell Cain “Well, if I can’t have you, than neither can she!” before manipulating Colette’s body to the point that Cain attempts to stab her with the blade as she smokes out. This parallel between Abbadon and Crowley later becomes incredibly important because of what happens after the fight. Moving ahead to 10x14 and what do we see?
What is this!? The obvious Colette parallel being chosen over the Abbadon parallel? The physical embodiement of Cain/Dean’s addiction being put in the hands of Colette to take care of?
The Abbadon parallel looking visibly aggrieved about being passed over for the Colette parallel? The Abbadon parallel feeling wounded and wronged about Cain/Dean’s actions because of the history they share?
It must all be a coincidence right? Ok well let’s look at the next part of Cain’s speech.
The second person close to himself that Cain killed was Colette, and this effectively places Cas in that position in the lineup of future murders. I suppose you could argue that Dean technically was the one who killed Abbadon, but by giving Dean the Mark for the express purpose of killing Abbadon Cain essentially signed her death warrant. She was the last person of close relationship with Cain to die, putting her parallel, Crowley, as the first to die. So my first point of Cas being Colette is simply the order in which he appears in the Cain speech. Beyond that you had asked when Cas had pulled Dean back from the edge of darkness. Well…
Cas has been intimately involved in the removal of the Mark. I have my own complaints about the show has been writing Cas as going out hunting for cures for Dean and not staying with him, but the fact remains that that is what he’s been doing.He’s literally put everything else on hold to try to fix Dean.You mentioned that Cas hasn’t been around Dean for a lot of his struggles with the Mark and I would argue that there is a pretty obvious reason for that. It makes more sense for Cas to be the one out doing this because he’s an angel. Thinking about this logically, one person should stay with Dean and one person should be out doing the legwork the search for the cure requires. Once it was clear that the search for the cure was going to take them to Cain, why the hell would you ever send Sam to do that? An angel didn’t even stand a chance against him, what’s Sam going to do? It’s totally valid that Cas be the one out searching and it doesn’t diminish his feelings for Dean or Dean’s for him. You don’t have to be around someone all the time to love them.
But mostly I just think that Cas is Dean’s Colette because he fits the way Cain described her.
"I’ve tried. I’ve tried, Colette. To see myself as you did."
"I know you watch over me still."
"She forgave me."
Basically I just feel like Cas loves Dean the way Colette loved Cain. Unselfishly and unconditionally. Complete devotion right to the end. Always putting Cain’s needs before her own and doing what’s best for him, literally to her dying breath. So now we have the final part of Cain’s speech and I’ll be wrapping up my rant soon here.
Your message that Sam is Dean’s Colette was honestly just really surprising for me to read because I thought it was totally obvious that Dean and Sam were Cain and Abel respectively in this scenario. They are literally their descendants. Lucifer wanted to possess Abel and Lucifer wanted to possess Sam. And then Cain said the whole “You’re living my life in reverse” line. Sam is Abel in this scenario because that’s where Cain placed him in the lineup of people Dean would kill. Abel’s spot. Not to mention that Abel is Cain’s younger brother and Cain gave up his very soul to save him, just like Dean did for Sam. I mean, in terms of parallels I think the Dean/Cain and Sam/Abel links are possibly the single most obvious parallel in the entire series. Unless your argument is that Sam is somehow simultaneously Colette and Abel, which, if it is I’d be interested to read.
So in conclusion, that’s why I think that Cas is Dean’s Colette, although I will admit that sometimes when I really try to remove the Destiel-colored glasses entirely I have considered that Dean doesn’t have a Colette (thanks ephemeral-castiel). What I’m saying is that I think that Cas fills the roles that Colette filled for Cain, but I do think that in the end Dean will learn how to overcome his issues on his own. I don’t think that any one person, not Sam or Cas, would be able to stop Dean just by begging, because that didn’t work while he was a demon and because this is the season of self-discovery and I really think Dean will be able to find this strength in himself. He really needs to find his own will to live at this point in time, rather than just hanging around because Sam and Cas need him. So yeah, that’s why I think that IF Dean has a Colette, it’s Cas.
What do you find sexy onstage? Dancy: [As Arianda waves her hand] Do you want me to say you? [Laughs] Honestly, I think what draws you in are moments that are intimate and truthful. It’s not enough to just hold each other. The audience needs to forget everything other than the two people onstage. Arianda: To me, the not doing is what makes the play so hot and frustrating (x)
I’m putting this here to stop myself from writing the rest of it because I already got plenty of shit to do dammit.
The Straight Sherlock Chapter One
John was back in 221 B and things were certainly different than they were before. For one he didn’t feel the constant need to hover or clean after Sherlock. He’d gotten along for plenty of time without John pitching in to help and John wasn’t about to fall back into that caretaker role. Another thing is that there were less body parts in the refrigerator and few stray bits were kept on the bottom shelf, helpfully labeled with the type and date it entered into the fridge. Sherlock announced very early on that anything in the fridge for more than two weeks could be disposed of by John unless he placed a label requesting an additional delay. John agreed and had yet to have to dispose of a single item—which was good as he can’t imagine how suspicious it would be if he just showed up at the clinic one day with twelve thumbs to put in the medical waste bin. There were other little changes like Sherlock not flouncing around the flat in nothing but a sheet, or showing up at John’s work and demanding he leave for a case. He brought milk, he made tea, he didn’t spoil episodes of television or the ends of mystery novels. Sherlock was there sometimes, gone others. Sometimes they’d share a meal together, sometimes John would join him on a case. They were mostly just flatmates.
There was also one final change that John wasn’t quite ready to think about, discuss, or even acknowledge to himself or others—Sherlock was dating Molly.
It wasn’t that John had a problem with it. He didn’t. It just wasn’t any of his business and he was going to keep it that way. It was fine wasn’t it? He’d dated plenty of women during his and Sherlock’s previous tenure and that was normal. He wasn’t sure why anyone would think it wasn’t normal for Sherlock to find someone really. And when Greg poked John one day and said “So what’s that like?” while whispering and pointing at Sherlock and Molly giggling together over a body, John just said “Dunno what you mean mate” then walked away. He walked very far away.
In fact by the time he finished walking he realized he was about a twenty minute cab ride from the crime scene and he had to sulkily overpay a cabbie to get him back to the scene quickly. No one seemed to notice he’d left, least of all Sherlock. When John finally pulled up in the car, Sherlock simply said “Ahh , John, sorry it’s been so boring just standing about but me and Molls have it in the bag, along with Mr. Greene. So me and her are going to head over to hers for some tea.”
"Sure," John had said and he’d turned right back around and went to find another cab and shell out another ten pounds to get him back home…on his own. And it was fine. It was. Really all John needed to do was find his own girlfriend and have some fun. So he started his search. First off he pulled out the old book to see if there were any potential that he missed in the past. Three continents should be worth some kind of head start when it came to finding a girlfriend.
So he went down the list. When he got to Sarah Sawyer he almost slapped his head. Of course. Someone who knows his life, was interested from the get go, and who Sherlock was a bit jealous of—not that that mattered, just a nice side effect of someone. So he called her up, bit of a punt after not really returning any of her calls after she’d reached out after Sherlock’s suicide, but she was someone he’d have called a friend at one point . Also she was lovely, absolutely lovely. Well worth another go if she’d have him. He picked up the phone and dialled her number, nerves creeping up his spine and settling in his throat. He nearly croaked when he first spoke.
"Sarah?" he said and he rolled his eyes at himself. God what a mess he was.
"Yes, is this someone calling round for school donations? I’m not really in a charitable mood unless there’s lots of chocolate involved," Sarah answered and John could already hear the giggle in her voice.
"Am I to assume you don’t still have my number programmed into your phone?" John asked.
"Am I to assume that you’ve somehow reverted to a 12 year old boy with a croaky voice?"
"I could be sick you know." John teased.
"Mmm no. You sound dead sexy when you’re sick. Voice gets all deep and gravely like Sherlock’s but just a tad hotter."
"Does it now?"
"Oh yes," Sarah said. "So what are you calling me for? To invite me to your wedding? Ahh wait no that was two years back wasn’t it?"
"Oh it’s fine. I’m only teasing. How is the Mrs?"
"Fine, fine, I suppose." John said and hesitated. He hadn’t planned on having to reveal sordid histories over the phone. He didn’t know what he was thinking, of course it’d come up. But he just figured he’d call up for a quick chat, charm her, and then get a nice girlfriend round to show Sherlock how not bothered he was by the whole Molly business.
"That doesn’t sound good," Sarah said.
It wasn’t good. It’s not that it ended badly. It started with a spark and ended with hurt feelings, lies, and nothing he wants to revisit. He could tell Sarah that his ex-wife is now living somewhere else with David and their (not John’s) child and John is back sharing a flat with an idiot. But he doesn’t want to even broach the subject because —It’s fine. John is fine. Mary is fine. Sherlock is bloody fine with Molly who is fine. It’s fine.
"I take it by your silence that it’s not something you really want to go into," Sarah said, her voice tapering off.
”Not really, no.” was all he could say. He could go into details but the conversation was already far from where he wanted it to be. He had a goal. Call, girlfriend, jealousy. No wait. He meant call, girlfriend, just having someone to laugh with. Talk about things. Maybe come home to at night and push against the wall, show him, no her how much you want to be there.
"Alright. Well I won’t pry any further. How’ve you been otherwise? Good I hope?"
"Yeah fine, fine. I’m uh back with Sherlock."
"Oh. OH!" She said. "Well alright. I’m glad. I’m really glad for you then. I always wondered. I mean took you both a while but you got there in the end. Really John. I’m so pleased for you."
"Yeah," he said. "Wait what? No. I mean we’re sharing a flat again. We’re mates," John said and the word felt utterly wrong in his mouth. Mostly because it was actually true these days. No one confused them for partners of any kind anymore. If Sarah were around she probably wouldn’t be bringing it up. He smiled to himself at the confusion. It’d been a while. It was silly but it wasn’t a bad memory—people thinking him and Sherlock were together. It was funny almost. But it was a memory of a time long gone. He cleared his throat and added nonchalantly,"He even has a girlfriend now."
He heard a clatter. An awful clatter and he wasn’t sure what had happened. “Sarah?” He called out. A few seconds later she answered.
"Yeah. What was that?"
"I’m sorry. The phone dropped. Did you-did you say Sherlock has a girlfriend? I mean I’m sure that’s what you said but I’m pretty sure hell hasn’t frozen over, John."
"Yeah, I know-I know. But I mean it’s good. It is. He seems happy and I-I am happy for him. Yeah." John finished lamely. No one was buying that. Though it was true. It was.
"Okay sure. So, you’re calling to —." Sarah prompted him.
"Ahh well I uh. Dunno. Feeling like catching up with
oh my god I am not writing this anymore. This is dumb. I wrote this in like 45 minutes when I already have a thousand projects….
so we all know how it ends…
putting this on my tumblr so I won’t be tempted to go back to it.
Johnlock fic where Sherlock is all “I’m straight!” for half of the fic and he even gets a girlfriend much to the ever increasing annoyance of John. And finally John kisses him once and Sherlock’s all “omg like I am so super gay, that was a ploy you dumb bisexual bastard. Now come on and fuck me proper.”
I mean this is how it ends. in case you were wondering.
1. Meet. Become best friends through shared interests/perspectives/stages in life. 2. Establish fierce emotional support for the other’s hopes/dreams/ambitions. 3. Somehow, just happen to start making out with each other one day. Then all the days. 4. Get a dog.
fuck this joke honestly. It’s been a trend these past couple years at these award shows where a white says something like this and all the whites giggle together but aint none of them do shit after that shit settle. they laugh in the comfort of their privilege. like they just say this to be quirky. something as severe as this is brought up and everyone laughs cuz they know it’s true but it means nothing to them. it’s nothing serious. It’s like “haha, i guess that is messed up. whelp im comfortable as fuck tho so ima keep doing me”
I dunno man. I mean I get your anger but at the end of the day humor is incredibly important in getting people to look at an issue. Make em laugh and teach em some truth. Does it happen immediately? No. But it’s often necessary to break through to understanding.
Please keep our beloved Vulcan in your thoughts! This could be very important! Please, reblog this and spread the awareness to stop smoking!
How should I not be thinking about the man whose character was both my great mid-teen crush, and someone on whom (a decade and a half or so later) I found myself being privileged to spend nearly a further decade of happy creative time?
I hope he may be well quickly. My life wouldn’t be the same without him.
Remind me of this moment. REMIND ME DAILY that some guy felt this script was worth other people reading. They wrote it and laughed at it and sent it off for other people to read. And it’s trash, trash. Utter trash. Beyond the reinforcing of really wrong stereotypes, it’s just NOT FUNNY. REMEMBER THIS APRIL. REMEMBER THAT FEAR of not being funny enough is dumb, dumb, dumb because your WORST is better than this idiot’s BEST.
We never got to see John and Mary’s wedding, or even the proposal. We did get to see Sherlock’s (wedding) vow to John, and from the first time I watched this scene it has looked like a proposal to me. The nervous question, the shocked reaction, the happiness of knowing that you’re the most important person in the life of the person that matters most to you… The Sign of Three is a true blessing.
let’s not forget their position, John looking like he’s down on one knee and looking up at him with Sherlock looking down???
It’s a proposal. The audience is definitely meant to see it that way.
Dancing Mia Wallace and Vincent Vega from Pulp Fiction! These were done three days ago by Jon Rio at Evil by the Needle in Bloomington, IN. The other tattoo was done by Jon a few years ago and reads “llevo tu corazón conmigo,” which means “I carry your heart with me.”