I love this movie. I know I am on the island by my lonesome but really it’s very, very good.
WHAAAA?!??!?!??! YOU ARE NOT ALONE! YOU ARE NOT ALONE! (David Bowie begins to sing Rock n Roll Suicide in the background - the volume increases) Give me your hand and jump on this gurney.
Seriously I’ve had screaming matches with friends who refused to believe I could honestly love that movie. They just don’t understand…. I’d rather be swinging on a star 5:32 (PLOT DEVIIIIIIICE!)
So I’m going to try to polish off this script and submit it for the HBO diversity emerging writer thing. So for the next few days that is all I’ll be talking about. My script is actually not a comedy script. IT IS THE ONLY drama that I’ve ever written and I fuckin love it TBH so if it doesn’t go anywhere then at the least I’ll be happy to have polished off a script with an idea I actually dig.
I mean the script is diverse as shit
Also I’m diverse as shit.
On that alone I would win.
African-American/Native American married to a Hispanic permanent resident, From the Deep South lives in the Yankee North, has a disability, is pansexual….and a Christian.
I mean legit I don’t know what box I don’t check.
Buuut apparently they also wanna see good writing too sooooo I’ll be doing that.
I can’t believe you all are letting me hang out and debate this damn dress when you should be encouraging me to write. I’m only half through this script and it needs so much work.
Why are people getting upset about the dress thing? That’s what I want to know. The world is full of horror every second of the day but for a few seconds today many of us came together to
a) help net neutrality become a more firm reality
b) look at llamas
c) debate a dress color which lead to many of us learning more about colors and cones n’ shit.
when all of your knuckles crack except one so you have to try and convince yourself to be a sensible human being and resist the urge to break your own finger
Thought I’d add an updated version, I’m now around 3 years on T
I don’t show any of my transition comparisons to my parents, but I showed my mum this comparison yesterday. Firstly she was shocked by the notes (as am I), but she was also really surprised by the difference. She said I looked hopeful in the pre-T photo and happy and like myself in the 3 years photo. It means a lot that not only do I feel I am myself now, but my parents see it too.