Nichelle Nichols on meeting Martin Luther King jr.
"I said "I’m going to leave Star Trek because (I was going to say ‘because I have an offer to star in) …I never got that far”
He said "You cannot - you cannot"
and I felt like that little boy Willis "What you talkin’ about dr. king"
(laughs) "But you know I didn’t say that"
"But I was taken aback, and I didn’t say anything, I just looked at him"
He said "Don’t you know understand what this man [Gene] has achieved?"
"I just looked at him" and he said“For the first time on television we will be seen as we should be seen every day – as intelligent, quality, beautiful people who can sing, dance, but who can also go into space, who can be lawyers, who can be teachers, who can be professors - who ARE on this day, and yet you don’t see it on television – until now…”
"and he went on and I could say nothing, I just stood there, realizing every word that he was saying was the truth"
"and he said, "Gene Roddenberry has opened a door for the world to see us. If you leave that door can be closed. You see your role is not a black role, and it’s not a female role, he can fill it with anything - including an alien"
"And in that moment the world tilted for me, and I knew then, that I was something else, that the world was not the same. That’s all I could think of, what dr. king said ‘the world sees us as we should be seen’ "and i remember being angry come sunday. "Why me? Why should I have to?…
"Whatever happened come monday morning I went to Gene, and I’m not sure to this day what I was going to say. He’s sitting behind that same dang desk and he had whoever he was talking to leave because I went there first. And I said "Gene, and I told him what happened" and I told him "If you still want me to stay, I’ll stay - I have to" and he opened his drawer and said "God bless dr. martin luther king, somebody knows where I’m coming from" and he took out my resignation — that was torn into a hundred pieces and handed me the pile, and we just stood there looking at each other, and I finally said "Thank you, Gene, and he said "Thank you, Nichelle"
"And my life’s never been the same since, I’ve never looked back, I’ve never regretted it. Because I understood the universe had somehow put me there, and we have choices - are we gonna walk down this road? are we gonna walk the other..and it was the right road for me"
is amazing and I’m kind of pissed off at Peter Jackson right now because I’ve never realized how much CGI took away from LOTR/The Hobbi until now. (Yes, despite all the complaints from folks it just never seemed that bad)
I’m not saying some CGI isn’t great and doesn’t aide a variety of stories but just think how NeverEnding Story was made in 1985 and these creatures stand the hell up. Now go watch LOTR and tell me you think it’ll look just as good three decades from now. Hell, many people feel it looks shit right now.
hahah I haven’t had a chance to read it yet. I was trying to be in the bagginshield zone.
Oh you don’t have to. Really. I wrote it quickly and it was dumb and it was all leading up to one big , pointless , obvious revelation.
Enjoy your happy bagginshield.
I have to reblog to finish my comment. Ok, so - I particularly liked when the Author interrupted in the end, because I’m suddenly imagining this is Sherlock writing this fantasy story about how he made John jealous. And then he gets angry at himself for writing it, and flounces off to fling himself on the sofa and wait for John to come round and visit from his house…where he lives…with Mary.
But wait.
Then John finds his story, and at first he’s confused but then he twigs, and he confesses to Sherlock that things aren’t great with Mary rn. That
they’re not even sleeping in the same bed anymore. And he was going to
ask Sherlock if he can move back. And is there something Sherlock is
trying to tell him?
Sherlock looks at him and says, “I’m not really dating Molly.”
John (of course) licks his lips. “Good. That’s… I don’t fancy asking Sarah out again either.”
Sherlock’s lips part and he pauses a moment, before he adds, “I’m actually gay.”
John clears his throat. “Oh…that’s…oh. Funny story, I think I’m bisexual, to be honest.”