sam wilson takes a selfie with tony stark and posts it on instagram with the caption, “i love meeting my fans
romanovuhs: sam wilson takes a selfie with tony stark and posts it on instagram with the caption,...
The Ebooks-Tree fic- and ebook-scraping business revisited
I just thought I’d post a quick note about this.
Last week when the news made the rounds that this site had been scraping people’s fics wholesale off AO3, I went over there to see whether they had any of my books, and they did – a fair number of them – so I sent them a DMCA.
Haven’t heard anything new from them, but I did a search or two and found that nothing was coming up under my name: which was good as far as it went.
At the same time, not being sure where matters stood, I did a little googling around to see what might have changed since last week. These posts may be useful to those of you who’re concerned your intellectual property may have been scraped:
The update from AO3
This note from Castle Fanfiction
That last one interested me, since searches on my name and the names of my books were coming up blank. So I tried this method of searching instead:
Used the letters-of-the-alphabet menu at the top: clicked on D –
Once there, being presented with another menu that said “Select two letters” I chose “Di”:
Note when you look at the next page that the listings are not in alphabetical order, but are strangely scrambled. There are a lot of possible reasons for this, but I’m gambling on someone wanting to make it harder for you to find your stuff. …Anyway, by happy chance my name was on the first page, so I clicked there –
And lo and behold, there are four of my books (well, three really, they got A Wizard Abroad twice) still there. So now I get to DMCA them again.
Note that an earlier search on “Diane Duane” showed me nothing. I have a feeling this is not accidental. If you’re going by my example, make sure you search on an author’s first name as well as their second. In fact, search on all their names that you can think of. And on as many pseuds and pieces of pseuds as possible.
…So the note from Castle Fanfiction seems to be a pointer to a new tactic on these folks’ side of things. Also: the company has indeed changed their domain name to (The company may just have wanted to muddle the trail a little. In any case the old domain redirects to the new one.) And judging by my own results, at least URLs where links to books were once posted also now seem to have been changed.
One other note in passing: I tested the link from the .mobi version of AWAb and it leads to a “Buy a premium access package!” message from Nitroflare. Once you refuse this a couple of times, it starts throwing up ad pages for online games and clothing stores. These I shut, and eventually reached a button which actually downloaded a genuine .mobi of one of my books. (Worse still, it was one of the NMEs, which means that once again somebody has either bought one of these things from directly from me and then uploaded it, or found another way to scrape it. Or both. Gah.) So now I will have to register with NitroFlare as well to use their “advanced takedown tool” and get rid of this thing. There’s another hour of writing time I’ll never see again…
So if you have been affected by this: Go back and check again. Don’t believe in the search box: you’re going to have to dig deeper.
decorkiki: A Visual #Fashion Guide For Women - Necklines, Skirt...
Omg it's Kate's birthday.
Whedon Crit
Hey so ya know how there are tags for Moffat crit and moffat hate? Let’s try doing that for Whedon k? Cause ima be honest. I am a zealot for this man. He’s influenced my life in far too many ways for me to even pretend I don’t trust him with like everything (save adaptations of Shakespeare. We are not talking about that). So I mean chose to use the tag or not. I’ve no problem unfollowing people. Just if you care about me following then that’s your out to criticize the man Iove while maintaining our silly lil tumblr friendship. Ta!
Omg it’s everyone’s birthday. What the hell.
Omg it’s everyone’s birthday. What the hell.
theinvisible-girl: “Wicked Little Town [Reprise]” live on...
“Wicked Little Town [Reprise]” live on 4/1/15
Please do not share outside of Tumblr!

dubiousculturalartifact: And it’s stuff like this that reminds...

And it’s stuff like this that reminds me why Robbie Thompson is my favourite writer currently on the show.
Wellll who is 1 and 2?
chiefjoshlyman: I think every tv show should hire an obsessed fan to prevent continuity errors....
I think every tv show should hire an obsessed fan to prevent continuity errors. Someone to go, “well that doesn’t work because in s2e4 you did x so you can’t possibly do y without doing z or you’ll contradict x”
"The movie has an undercurrent of unwelcome male attention toward her character; rarely in a movie..."
Roger Ebert on Agent Clarice Starling, The Silence of The Lambs (3.5/4)
Rewatching and realising how important it is to introduce this film and it’s treatment of Agent Starling to all young men. Subtle, but the gender bias would ring true to so many women. This film is an often under-credited masterpiece with so much symbolism it is extraordinary.
(via dragonfiretwistedwire)
Had to add Christina’s tags here. Via (wallmakerrelict)
#yes yes yes#especially notice the extreme unease the viewer is made to feel when clarice is walking the gauntlet at the mental hospital#and how similar our unease is when clarice is surrounded by her male colleagues#the way crawford treats her at the autopsy scene is only the most obvious example#and please note that when clarice makes the breakthrough that cracks the case#she does it with the help of a fellow woman agent#in one of the few scenes where self-consciousness and male gaze doesn’t ooze off the screen#hannibal#the silence of the lambs
notluvulongtime: dirkenglish: quality-black-lipstick: enter-ga...

California will run out of water very soon.
According to NASA’s new report, California only has enough water to get it through the next year. People are under strict water-saving measures; farmers are struggling to keep their crops alive.
Yet, Nestlé is bottling water from at least ten natural springs throughout California, including from some of the most drought-stricken areas of the state, and selling it for profit. In places like Sacramento, it’s paying less than $0.14 per gallon. This is bananas.Sign the petition to Nestlé: stop taking water from drought-stricken areas.
Guys this is really fuckin serious..
you dont need to be in america to sign the petition, i live in canada and i signed, please sign this its important!
Their commercials are very suspicious because you have supposed employees talking about their families and saying that “If I give you a bottle Nestle pure life (the water), I’m giving you love” or some shit. I live in California and the drought is horrible here. I’m still so fucking mad when my neighbor waters his lawn. Thousands of migrant workers are unemployed because the farms they work on can no longer grow crops because the owners don’t have any water rights to keep their farms going. And no one in Southern California is being held accountable for the waste of water. No one even seems to care. There is no active rationing or punishing people for overuse. So you can imagine how much I do not give a shit when people elsewhere complain about the long winter you all had and the tons of snow. At least you’re not going through a fucking drought.
My birthday is in two days. I am so excited for the fanfic Amber has been writing me for the past year to be done.
thegingerbatch replied to your post:DEAR THEGINGERBATCHShiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitI feel this...
I feel this comment may be indication you are not quite completed.
JSYK when you finish I have a special gif for you….

"We had an agreement, GIANT!"
How the fuck do I make Athelstan alive again? Ragnar buried the dude. Can I use magic? Do I invent...
How the fuck do I make Athelstan alive again?
Ragnar buried the dude. Can I use magic? Do I invent an evil twin? Do I make it all a dream?
This is hard. Johnlock and Bagginshield got it easy.
Gonna have to read up on….Wait maybe a miracle. What saints were around then? Maybe I can do a saint thing.
Oo then it’s very Christian then.
This is hard.
haidaspicciare: Justin Kirk, “Angels in America” (Mike...
haidaspicciare: Justin Kirk, “Angels in America” (Mike...
valeria2067:theawilford: Smiles. Why did my brain’s soundtrack...

Why did my brain’s soundtrack immediately start playing “When Somebody Loved Me” from Toy Story 2?
*unfollows you for too many broken-heart feels*
sherlockholmeson replied to your post: “How the fuck do I make Athelstan alive again? Ragnar buried...
sherlockholmeson replied to your post: “How the fuck do I make Athelstan alive again? Ragnar buried the dude….”:
What if you make his death a dream? (if that’s not what you meant in the first place ;))
Yeah dream is what it has to be right? I always try to pick up where canon left off but dammit that’s a tough sale.