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destiel-is-my-canon: (x) Perfection ♥ Dammit Supernatural...

"EPITHETS!" yelled the short, grumpy, red-eyed cancer.




the lesson for today, class, is when to use epithets rather than names or pronouns — and when not to.


- when the character’s name is unknown, so there’s really no other way to refer to them:

Two goons in suits blocked my way. “You ain’t going nowhere,” said the ugly mook. The even-uglier mook just grinned.

- to draw attention to the role or function described:

Bill was so excited to meet Obama, he was a little worried he’d end up remembering today as the day he threw up on the president.

- as in-character commentary to flesh out the POV’s voice:

You stand back and nudge the door open with your toe in case of falling buckets, but it seems the windy dipshit has given up on that particular tired prank.

(NOTE: use this last one SPARINGLY. consider your own internal monologue. how often do you think of people by anything but their names? too much of this trick breaks immersion.)


- to avoid using pronouns.

- to avoid using names.

- to remind the reader of physical characteristics you should’ve described elsewhere.

- to remind the reader of physical characteristics they already know perfectly well because they wouldn’t even be reading your damn fanfic if they weren’t familiar with canon, come ON people.

- to try to sound erudite or poetic.

- for any other stupid reason. i’m serious. i will come over there and hit you.

- i’m not kidding.

- fucking stop.

even if your thought process is that you’re doing it because you’re trying to avoid repetition of names, or avoid “the pronoun problem” in slashfic, just, no. don’t. DO NOT.

the names of characters aren’t like other words. they blend seamlessly into the background when used as necessary. the slashfic problem can be solved by using character names all the way through the first draft, and then going back and rereading to see where you can insert third person pronouns without confusing the action. if you find yourself repeating a name several times in a sentence or two, that is okay. as readers, we’re trained to absorb character names differently than other words, and won’t be bothered by frequent usage.

epithets, however, blech. those are far more jarring.

You know it’s funny …someone I really liked got a comment about this and so I started researching it because I was so damn curious as to why it’s a thing. I started with the “burly detective syndrome” and even asked our beloved dduane about it (who totes discourages it).

And then I just went down the hole. I contacted writers and editors friends. And ya know the ONLY time it seems to be prevalent in writing? Romance novels.

I read a lot of them. A LOT OF THEM. And yeah it totally happens in your good ol harlequin romance novels a looooooot. That doesn’t mean it’s okay. It’s not. Names do fall to the background HOWEVER since a lot of fic are in the rom genre then there is a bit of a pass for me.

It’s completely a bad habit to transfer outside of that genre but it happens a lot there…so ya know.

Boyfriend: This must be what it's like when you're talking to JC and he keeps doing stupid things

Boyfriend: This must be what it's like when you're talking to JC and he keeps doing stupid things
Me: Talking to me about the variety of projects I have is like talking to a meth addict who can't find a job?
Boyfriend: Kind of. I'm just saying you're always telling him what he needs to do. You give him clear plans to follow and then he doesn't do anything to change and ends up frustrated.
Me: So what's my clear path?
Boyfriend: You can be a mediocre artist, writer, violin player, and muddle through learning a new language you don't even need to know OR you can pick one thing and be great at it.
Me: Orrrrr I can be amazing at all of them by magic. You shut up now.

ivorylungs: okay i’ll get to work now

Johnlock Porn Night


So just an FYI that I’ll be doing my Johnlock Porn night tomorrow. I apologize for the inconvenience of having dicks on your dash. They will be marked with #nsfw and #johnlock porn tags. It’ll just be a few favorites. I’ll reblog this reminder twice tomorrow before the dicks commence. 

So just FYI


dicks will be on your dash tomorrow

some of the dicks will be put into a body orifice

some dicks will just be chilling out being dicks

so once again










ANACONDAS (which don’t want none unless you’re sherlock or john hun)

Johnlock porn dicks.



whedonesque: The Friday Poll - Which four Whedonverse characters will you pick to stop the end of...



The Friday Poll - Which four Whedonverse characters will you pick to stop the end of the world from happening?





How can anyone answer anything else? They’ve had the most experience doing just that.



dreamsofthejotunprince: "My beard!"

thelastbowers: llttlesophie: gifcraft: Bunny falls...





Bunny falls asleep

bun didn’t actually fall asleep!! bunnies flop over like this when they feel safe and comfortable in their environment. they rarely stretch out and lay down because they’re prey animals, so when ur bun does completely lays on their side or their back, it means they feel 10000% safe around you


khanyoujohnlockndropit: otterymary: is this real life or oR IS THIS FANTASY ITS REAL AS BALLS

since i haven't shamelessly self-promoted in a while...



a list of tumblrs i co-mod:

YES! follow all her lovely tumblrs and Yep I run a hannibal tumblr! Bet you though my whole world revolved around Sherlock…

dduane: YOU CUT THAT OUT. :) Wait..is this penns-woods ?

venvephe: For queersherlockian, for the Winterlock exchange!...

johnnybooboo: Oh, the bees…

dirtytwentysomething: Exposed So apparently my drawings come...




So apparently my drawings come out better if I don’t plan out what I’m drawing with pencil.

edit: I forgot the scarrrr. I’ll fix it, but not right now.

willietheplaidjacket: Drum roll, please. Finally, I present the...



Drum roll, please. Finally, I present the second giveaway request. It only took, what, 3 or 4 weeks? I hope it was worth the wait.

Lizzieborednow requested some Greaser!lock loving, perhaps with Sherlock having gotten into a fight. 

It’s pretty subtle Greaser!lock. The hair is the only thing that really gives it away I think, but the reason it’s not more obvious is that this went through so many incarnations before I decided it was better to cut straight to the sexy times and not get bogged down in unnecessary dialogue beforehand.

As a result, it got fucking filthy! I went a bit crazy with close up views of stuff. Apologies to those who perhaps don’t want a clear view of that kind of thing.

And, John may look like he’s not having a great time, but that’s my fault for not being able to draw orgasm faces without making it look like people are in great pain. He’s loving it really, I promise.

fuckedupinthebestway: i dont know the source, feel free to add...

the-daily-routine-at-221b: Here, have some johnlock sex.

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